I was browsing through the web for a story on good manners and stumbled upon this link…
the name of the site..well I kind of saw that much later…but being as I am I felt highly offended of the fact that on an average the pronoun ‘he’ is used to describe an unknown person. But here, the writer kept saying she… for example (this is for those who won’t bother to go through the link)
- She should always be impeccably dressed, appropriate to the situation or place.
- She washes her hands before she eats and after she uses the wash room.
- She does not groom or style herself in public!
- She keeps her legs together when sitting.
- She leaves the bathroom as she found it.
Yes offensive isn’t it…but look closely you would find a reason for that. Nonetheless it seemed wrong..it took me back to the time when I read articles written in 1950’s across magazines such as Reader’s Digest which spoke about how a wife should conduct herself around people and her husband, in short it was an unofficial rulebook for women on how to keep her husband happy.
I know I am going of tangent and like I said the writer of the link I’ve pasted had a reason (psst..it is a website for women) yet maybe its my way of looking things..or it’s the years of grooming and believing that I as a woman or the female of the species has to fight against such instances to show that she isn’t any less. Or that she is equal to things.
In short, I feel like I have been conditioned across the years to feel a need to get disgusted at any time when I read ‘she’ written with anything derogatory or linked with basic or specific rules. Yes I am rambling but I wonder if these made any sense to the lot of you…
Although I must say am glad to once more start typing…n this type I hope my blog doesn’t catch any more cobwebs…
M back in my parlour!! :D