Hey...this is just a blog where i post random thots from serious stuff to wild ideas to well round about anything i want to. I aint regular really just would try to b just so.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
something i wrote :)
This is something I wrote rather to be honest compiled there is another one on the way thought Id share it with all of you. I seriously hope you like it and would love your views on improoving this. Nothing extraordinare, but it was a certain high to see that i contributed in a little way to the content of TOI :)
Friday, September 21, 2007
All in a day's work...
Well in case u don’t know what am I talking about at the moment I suggest read that humongous RED thing pasted below.. :P yeh u’v gotta read thru..
What is wrong in appointing Saurabh Gongoli as new captain. for both ODI's and test Crecket.
Open your eyes, Dravid was same no experience and you put him on chair he got tired, So use experience and get back to basis,
Your 20/20 world cup team is a small buyers team and not fit enough to represent India. All Good buys are awaiting at Home and all rejects are there playing.
What a Selection team of BCCI>
evry one is fadup with such childish approach to a All
Think again and bring back Saurabh......
What is wrong with appointing Saurav Ganguly as the captain for both the ODIs as well as test cricket? Open your eyes, appointing Dravid had been a similar mistake, he had practically no experience and you gave him such a huge responsibility and he got tired. So use someone who is experienced and get back to the basics. The 20/20 World Cup team is small in comparison to the big league and not fit enough to represent
he no more expericne for the indian circket team skiper and all the team members are not like to ms dhoni for our captan
He does not have the right amount of experience that is required, to be a captain. This would also create a hindrance as due to Dhoni’s lack of seniority he would not be well accepted as a captain by his own teammates.
jada nahin bolna chahiye.....muh bund rakho???????
he will be experienced after some experience.
Dhoni will do well for the team. As for being experienced as a captain, well if once he does become a captain only then could he gain that required 'experience' that so many people are talking about. People have to start from somewhere right?
I agree. However, we found senior players experiences are also futile. We must try with young blood to apply own ideas and convinction and that will sooner show the good results.
I guess reading that wud have seriously cleared off that fact about y do v edit… gawd many a times I seriously forget what correct English looked like once ur going thru this…grammer goes for a six…:P
oh yeh n frankly these are examples I can seriously dare 2 post….and I dnt think a 2page comment wud exactly interest u…. ;)
We do get a variety of love letters, recipes, resumes and BC/MC comments which I don’t think I could dare paste out here………………..
But yeh we do get nice comments too…this ones perfect…no editing needed…
Perfect RO no changes!!
I think in
P.S. hope this also answers those who wondered what the hell DID I do in offc…not tht this is just my job..practically the whole team works on this…we get around 500 odd comments per day esp on the hot topix!!! :P
Sunday, September 02, 2007
A tribute to you Shank!!

~~~Shashank Swarup~~~
He played a lot of roles these are a few I thot I could chart out.
As a friend: As a buddy he was a darling. He just knew when I was upset and when I just wanted sum1 next to me and just be present. He was a total psycho. But a psycho with a big heart and a lot of understanding, many a times he just knew unspoken things. He had a funny way to console people. And yet when he did, it came across that he cared. And really that’s all that finally does matter, right? For me he was my ICSE buddy. The first person I ended up chatting with and finally bugging the whole class. 11D my first class in APJ, a co-ed I thot id never adjust to, cumin from an all girls skul. But know wat… shank turnd out 2b one of my very first buddies in class…. The irony being that he was an ex all-boy-skul product himself. Strange how things go abt dnt they? There were many times he sacrificed his wants to take care of a friend. And know something although he left for Pune to complete his grad his heart stayed with his frenz in Delhi. For him we were almost family. Being a hostelite…this is a fact that just cumz naturally, something I am sure all people who’ve ever stayed in a hostel would know. If you ever spoke to him on the ph (mind he wud usually not b the one calling up) you could hear the yearning in his voice.
And like his whole life his death turned out to be ironical. Those he loved so much in his life. For those he would run across the world for, there wasn’t anyone who was present there beside him when he left this world.
As a brother: As a bro…well I found this very strange when I heard that he was the responsible one between the siblings. Truly speaking, although I knew this guy was a caring fella I never could count him as a responsible bro…but he turned out to be more than that… he became a father figure for his younger brother. He was everything for that little guy.. a father a friend a guide.. Everything!! I last met Shank a year back…ever since we just never could meet up… and yet he left a void in me…but when I think of Shwetab… his younger bro… I realise that no one’s lament could match that little boys sorrow…
As an achiever: Yep he proved himself… this guy showed everyone that if you put your heart into a thing you could achieve it. He had his heart set on Symbiosis Pune. He had gotten thru quite a few good colleges but he never took the easy way out. He had created his aim and went for it…. And his struggle paid of and he got thru…. Just that he never got to study there………………….. but then I am so proud of this guy who was such a laid back chilled out kinda guy otherwise but a guy who turned out to have so much will-power that he fulfilled his dream before he left for his final visit to the Almighty. YOU DID IT SHANK!!!!!
As a son: This is one role I can’t talk on much, since I never really saw him playing it. But I do know that he loved his family…I do know that he was the eldest son in his family and that he always performed his duties as well.