Monday, June 28, 2010

On a not-so-fine morning....

What a day!! I definitely must’ve gotten off or rather slept off on the wrong side of the bed. First of all, I never managed to sleep quite well for it was too damn humid and worse. It was one of those days where if you switch you fan on full it gets too darn cold, but if you don’t well then it’s just too hot. By then I thought I might as well count my blessings and look at it as something that for once will get me to the office well before time.

Ah!! I was so innocent.

And so with these happy happy thoughts I got off, and bam, my bro arrives from an early morning flight, and that leads to an interesting equation: Four people and One bathroom. Those who can understand, would empathise with the chaos. Well thus one thing led to another and yet again I was sprinting to make it on time.

So much for a relaxed journey. *SIGH*

But the icing on the cake was my drive to the office. It seemed as if suddenly the whole of Indirapuram/Noida had decided to mark their attendance, like everyone just finished off with their sick leave or something. I faced a jam at 6 different locations in my journey. BEAT THAT!! – Oh…actually I can do that :P, for not only was the traffic against me but so was my autowala, the guy I was ready to pay an extra 20 bucks so that he could get me to the office at a respectable time. But halfway into my journey I find out that the guy hasn’t a clue where to go, lol, talk about male ego :P . And it was obvious that he would never quite ask me.

So how did I figure out his secret? Let’s just say my awesome luck had a hand in that too. Now ya’ll know, so you won’t be surprised to hear that at every red light I faced just that, a RED Light. The only time we had a green light was one which I never quite needed. But apparently my autowala did. And so instead of taking a left, he, seeing a chance, sped of straight.

I have no idea how my face looked by then, but it must’ve been something as I managed to wipe off that stupid grin when the autowala tried to telepathically high5 me. I was sooo freaking mad. I think the only saving grace was that this is India where we can drive the other way even on a one way – sorry people – I aint proud of it if that would be any consolation, but if you think I had a reasonable excuse, well you’ve heard my side of the story. If you don’t think so, well then all I can say is that I can’t help it now, it’s the past, been over and done with.

Anyways, now here I am at my office, shame faced for being almost half an hour late. I haven’t a clue of how the rest of my day would go. The only good thing being that those around me, seeing me scribble all this on a notepad, somehow think I should slow down and enjoy my training a bit and not work so hard. ROFL!!

CHEERS people!!! Hope you have a nice day. :D


Sam said...

lol... I think I'll add a few more to my existing list of ways to get late for work:
11. Stand in queue for shower - be it a chawl, shared accommodation or simply your home.
12. End up in a cab/rickshaw with a driver has no clue about about the destination and SatNav probably is a thing of sci-fi.
13. Traffic snarls at every junction or crossing till you realise you have been at a standstill for the better part of your journey.

hehe... my sympathies!!

Aashi said...

lol...glad 2 b of assistance :P...

for those who well want 2 get late...heres namesakes list..

Anonymous said...

hehe ,,, that was good ,... dont take me wrong .. i meant the post .. :)
Ever wondered why when u get caught in a single traffic signal u almost are sure get stuck in almost all teh signals through out the length of the road. .
Quite irritating i must say .. .

Thanks for dropping by my site :) .. keep visiting .. i will be back again here soon so keep writing :D


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