Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What would you choose?

Just a couple of minutes back I came across this post about rape victims and how we should mourn for those many cases still not out on the forefront...anyhow after I finished reading this article...right below it there was a question on whether or not we support the death penalty for rapists.

And this got me thinking. Is that enough? Of course not....I've always had it in my mind that a man who attempts such a heinous crime has no right to have such a quick release..

anyhow here was my comment for that post.....

I don't quite understand how we haven't begun the practice of castration...ppl keep talkin about death penalties...is that even a fair justice for a rape victim? i mean a girl looses all meaning in her life..the humiliation she faces the psychological trauma she faces....and a death sentence 2 a man...how convenient am sorry to say but a man capable of such a heinous act has his pride, fear and basically everything in that one object......

I had a chat with an old friend a few days back and she informed me about how somewhere in some state in the US this law has been passed...

so why can't it be practiced world over...a man needs 2 b punished that way so that he too lives in the society in such shame(at least it would be for him) and goes through such a trauma day in and day out ...it would even stop so many others by instilling a fear not even death deters

this has been on my mind for a long time...and i decided to google a bit on this matter...and came across an interesting poll..

I'll be honest enough and say that i never quite managed to read every comment but I did notice that though most people supported castration there was this one comment that caught my attention and to which although I don't think I can give a reply directly I would want to retort to...

heres the comment...

what if your son husband or father are wrongfully acused with such a crime and they are castrated.this is a problem with our justice system.also must police try to slve and find easy solutions to a case.this hurts society and all crimes either against women children or men.but yes as a man i'm for castration.only if we can get the guilty and not an inocent person.you wouldn't want to be wrongfully accused and some part of your body removed because of a misstake.

well although most of the comment agrees to the idea...its the beginning that bothered me...I mean if someone I knew had been wrongly accused I don't think I would want them dead either...those who are wrongly accused (and I do agree there are such cases) well any punishment to them is horrid...but for those who truly commit these crimes...it is a necessary step..it will instill a fear in them which no death sentence would ever do..

anyhow I know its a topic that is highly controversial but please understand am not talking about falsely accused people here...am talking about the choice of punishment for this crime...death or castration?


umashankar said...

Aashi, while I am grateful to you for linking up to my blog, I must say you appear to have misread the original message. The post centres on the 'death of deterrence' and the resultant catastrophic consequences that I find so disturbing. I have no issues with the castration as a punishment but I had the brutal murder on my mind too. Such a beast must be hanged to death. Period.

Aashi said...

hmm...no i didnt intend to accuse ur post..in fact as far as i could understand ur write up was great...am sorry if you got offended in any term...i just got carried away with the ad at the end of ur post...n well had been intending 2 write on this very topic for a long time and well it just triggered me into it....i think ur writing on this is amazing...i specially checked it out cos i wrote a post entitled "death of innocence" a couple of years back.....

pls recv my compliments...you have a gr8 way with words....i was just in a different mind frame while reading through your post....


Purba said...

I prefer the Lorena Bobbit way.
And Pedophiles deserve a worse punishment!

Tushar Mangl said...

I obviously agree with you and your viewpoint over the matter.
But, reality; the fact of the matter is, that the Indian populace is not mature enough to accept such ideas. Look at what they are doing with the dowry act, the corruption issues, people not being hanged, just because they can impact the Muslim votes etc etc.
Justice can only happen, when people want justice to happen.


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