Rather a catching title eh ;) lol.. well yeh he has till now been the only man in my life. Still is, but I dunno when would that change. And if I take in my mothers interpretation the sooner that change happens the better lol.. not really I guess if I have my way that is. My man supports me too for the same you know :) .. hmm well nothing as attractive as you might think. But to me he is much more attractive and dear than any other person in my life and could never be replaced.
Yep my papa aka pop jo aka daddy jo aka dadda (has quite a few names to his credit doesn’t he).
Usually children make their fathers their best buddies. Well I don’t think I had ever shared that casual a rapport with my dad. He is a friend but not a “buddy” (dunno how do I explain that any better but I guess I could get the message across). Having inherited most of his traits, obviously we have had our share of clashes. For one thing both of us have that stubborn streak. As far as I recall once we hadn’t spoken to each other for weeks together even though we stayed under the same roof. That when I had barely turned 11. Had it not been my mother’s insistence of locking us out of the house for a week if we continued our tryst any further, I guess it would’ve taken us months to even say hi. That apart from the many strange battles of wills I’ve had with papa. Strangely we never had many verbal fights, a privilege I just share with my mum. With dad well many a times I don’t need to even speak (yep I do manage to stay quite at times you know…maano ya na maano :P). Just coz we are so similar by nature my dad understands my silence more often than not.
A man of few needs, dad’s dearest wish is to run off to the hills and immerse himself into meditation and the Almighty. Strange for someone who most of his life was surrounded by the most exotic materialistic things available on the face of this earth. And yet the battles and ups n downs my dads faced leaves me in awe. Yeh I know it’s a cliché (but then clichés are clichés coz they stand true in case of many ryt?) well then just like millions of kids round the world I too look upto my dad. Seen him face tough situations in life and yet smiling and sailing through the whole thing.
But having said all of this, papa has always been too emotional. In fact this very friendly, understanding and emotional nature of his has made him a buddy for most of my cousins. But personally I call him an emotional fool. He is a Cancerian and I am a Capricorn. I guess that really does make me many a times impatient towards that emotional side of his. Sorry dadda for hurting you with that impatience for not being able to reach your level of emotional superiority. All because of this fool of a practical brain of mine which never allows me to understand.
A guide someone who recognized my talent to write and encouraged me to go ahead. A supporter to all the decisions I made respecting them and treating me as an adult always howsoever erratic I sounded. A diary to whom I could open upto and speak to bluntly about many topics which exist under the sun (one of my favorite being the time we discussed as to why arranged marriages are better than love marriages).
Thanx dad for involving me and trusting me to make decisions for the family. For taking my opinion on most matters even when I hadn’t even touched my teens. For letting me take any course in my life and trying and finding out all the positive factors for that decision of mine. For showing me the fact that take precautions before the occurrence of any disaster and once the loss has occurred cheer up and think that you never owned any object like that or that whatever happened was meant to happen and would be of advantage to you.
Usually children make their fathers their best buddies. Well I don’t think I had ever shared that casual a rapport with my dad. He is a friend but not a “buddy” (dunno how do I explain that any better but I guess I could get the message across). Having inherited most of his traits, obviously we have had our share of clashes. For one thing both of us have that stubborn streak. As far as I recall once we hadn’t spoken to each other for weeks together even though we stayed under the same roof. That when I had barely turned 11. Had it not been my mother’s insistence of locking us out of the house for a week if we continued our tryst any further, I guess it would’ve taken us months to even say hi. That apart from the many strange battles of wills I’ve had with papa. Strangely we never had many verbal fights, a privilege I just share with my mum. With dad well many a times I don’t need to even speak (yep I do manage to stay quite at times you know…maano ya na maano :P). Just coz we are so similar by nature my dad understands my silence more often than not.
A man of few needs, dad’s dearest wish is to run off to the hills and immerse himself into meditation and the Almighty. Strange for someone who most of his life was surrounded by the most exotic materialistic things available on the face of this earth. And yet the battles and ups n downs my dads faced leaves me in awe. Yeh I know it’s a cliché (but then clichés are clichés coz they stand true in case of many ryt?) well then just like millions of kids round the world I too look upto my dad. Seen him face tough situations in life and yet smiling and sailing through the whole thing.
But having said all of this, papa has always been too emotional. In fact this very friendly, understanding and emotional nature of his has made him a buddy for most of my cousins. But personally I call him an emotional fool. He is a Cancerian and I am a Capricorn. I guess that really does make me many a times impatient towards that emotional side of his. Sorry dadda for hurting you with that impatience for not being able to reach your level of emotional superiority. All because of this fool of a practical brain of mine which never allows me to understand.
A guide someone who recognized my talent to write and encouraged me to go ahead. A supporter to all the decisions I made respecting them and treating me as an adult always howsoever erratic I sounded. A diary to whom I could open upto and speak to bluntly about many topics which exist under the sun (one of my favorite being the time we discussed as to why arranged marriages are better than love marriages).
Thanx dad for involving me and trusting me to make decisions for the family. For taking my opinion on most matters even when I hadn’t even touched my teens. For letting me take any course in my life and trying and finding out all the positive factors for that decision of mine. For showing me the fact that take precautions before the occurrence of any disaster and once the loss has occurred cheer up and think that you never owned any object like that or that whatever happened was meant to happen and would be of advantage to you.

Love you for everything.
…….~ ~ **HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA** ~ ~ .......
…….~ ~ **HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA** ~ ~ .......
(13th July 2007)
Hey Uncle Joshi...Many Many happy returns for the day...I must say u really have a wonderful daughter...
[though u must already be knowing it]
And a big thanx to u for u have really supporting her awesome writng all thru...which has given us the pleasure to read those beutiful lines
May the almighty God...bless you with everlasting happiness...
Happy birthday!!!
Many Happy Returns of the day,papa!!
hey uncle,happy bday!!!
enjoy wid ur family......
uncle i really think ke ur strong dat u can control ur daughter[:P][:P]..hehe js kiddin..aashi di is a very sweet gal n always ready to help oders...probably inherited frm u....once again uncle happy bday.. may god fulfill all ur wishes...
ummm...... do me a favor... go tell ur dad.. he's one of the best daughters in the world!!
as for lady..... you've done nthe best thing possible.... used ur best skill to write abt teh man who means the most to you!! can there be anything better than dat?? nopes!!
i won't say further... dads... well.. they'll be dads!! lol...
oh!! forgetful me.....
aashi to get him a magnum sized chocolate cake with loads of cream, will you??
happy birthday......many happy returns of the day.....
Many many happy returns of the day uncle :)
Aashi is one of my dearest friend and by all means i am going to say you got a really wonderful daughter :)
Enjoy the day and wish you success and happiness with your family :)
Many Many Happy Returns of the Day Mr. Joshi.
Hope this day brings to you all the joy and happiness there is to see in this world.May your every wish be granted today.
Happy Birthday!
Hey Mausa Ji,
U must be touched after seeing all this, rt?
Many happy returns of the day . God blessa s many-many more to come.
Ruchi and Himanshu
hello sir,
many many happy returns of the day
hello uncle!,many happy returns of the day!!
may all the happyness and joy of the world bestow their blessings on you and your family!!!!
hello uncle!!
this is aashi's friend..anusua...
just wanted to sing something for you on your day!!!
Hello Uncle...
Many Many happy Returns of da Day..!!
Aashi.. dis one of da best thing u can do ur dad's buhday..!!
Ur Dad's lucky... nd u too... :D
Happy Birthday uncle...!!
Aashi...ur dad will be soo proud of u re...!!..
Uncle..may all ur dreamz come true and all ur wishes be granted...:)..
Hey aashi...my dad sed he wishez ur dad too..:)...
do pass on the msg...
Hai Uncle Joshi..!!
Happy Birthday...!!
Wish and pray that you have all the Happiness,..Peace..Love and Joy.. In Your Life..!!May all your Dreams come True..!!
and i take this opportunity to Thank you for giving us Aashi...who is a very good friend to all of us...and is truly an awesum girl...very talented and a great help to all when we need it.!!
thanx 4 askin aashi 2 write the pollution poem...that was a stepping stone to what she has become now...
i am sure u'll receive many gifts but i'm also sure that u get the greatest joy in seeing what wonderful human beings ur children have turned out to be.....and i must say the credit goes to you....and do take a day off...and enjoy...da kids won't go astray in a day...kiddin...
Hey Uncle!!
Happy B'day!!...
Have fun wid ur family..n daughter of course who loves you very much...
Happy b'day once again!!
Hey Uncle!!
Happy B'day!!...
Have fun wid ur family..n daughter of course who loves you very much...
Happy b'day once again!!
Hey Uncle!!
Happy B'day!!...
Have fun wid ur family..n daughter of course who loves you very much...
Happy b'day once again!!
Hello uncle! wish u a very Happy Birthday... I suppose this is Aashi's propoganda to make your birthday more special than the previous years..
Afterall every parent wishes to have a daughter like AAshi. she is a perfect daughter and u have been a constant support for her all thru.
This support is one of aashi's most priced possessions and I hope it continues to grow even stronger..
happy birthday once again....
There is but just one word to describe this.. Beautiful..
even though i dont remember each and every thing i read, but the one about not talking for weeks when u were just 11 just blows me off! and the Arranged Marriage v/s Love Marriage is a topi every child must discuss with his/her parents :)
Anybody wud make this conclusion after reading this post of yours, but still i will go ahead and say it, because it truly is true..
"U really really love ur Dad" :)
and as for the Capricorn Cancerian relationship, trust me, its one tricky one :)
Here's wishing ur Dad a Very Very Happy Birthday, Congratulations Sir, not every body is fortunate enough to have a daughter like urs :)
And here's the best part, which Aashi had mentioned to me a long while ago.. This Birthday this year coincides with the Release of the 5th Harry Potter.. what more can one ask for!
Go Aashi, have a Blast!
Cheers!( no , that does not mean u boooze :P)
happy birthday :)
hello uncle!
many many happy returns of the day!
hello uncle!!!
many many happy returns of the day!!!
Happy Birthday Uncle!!!
May this day be the happiest in your life
Rock on Uncle!!! :D
happy birthday uncle
well i knw u must b rilly rilly touched aftr readin wat aashi rote bout u.nd also u wud b rilly proud of ur daughter.
thnx a lot for helpin aashi bein in wat she is today.indirectly u hav given me a gr8 gift in d form of aashi nd thnx for suportin her rytin skills or i wud hav missd out on soo much
may on dis spl day u get all wat u want..:)
aashi u r such a swthrt sis.......
happy bday uncle:)..may u have a wonderful bday...may all happiness be showered upon u n ofcourse aashi didi:)..uncle i must say u have got the sweeeeeeeeeeeetesttttttttttt daughter on earth:)
Happy birthday uncle...
I'm making a wish that your new birthday year is filled with gentle
blessings and abundant joy for you and your loved ones.
needless to say in this non committmental materialistic world small things like this go a long way in showing how much you are cared and loved . savor every movement , for movements a golden few and far between .
happy birthday uncle...wish you all luck and prosperity in life :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY bro...hope this will be the best day of your life....
heu uncle a very happy birthday to u......and i must say 1 thing...you have got an amazing daughter uncle....she really loves you a lot....and i dont find any hesitation in saying that ki by this act she has bcum a role model for all youngster....a very happy birthday to u again uncle....may god bless you with all happiness.....bye take care uncle....
Hey Uncle!!
Happy B'day!!...
Have fun wid ur family..
May every wish be granted today..
Hope this day brings you all the joy and happiness ...
Once again Happy b'day!!
hello joshi uncle!!
happy smashing cracking cheery b'nite!!
may you have an ice cream blast!!! :P :D
hello uncle........
U have a grt daughter.... hope u have a grt day which i m sure u will have......
Hello Uncle.. Happy Birthday uncle.. Many many happy returns of the day.. I hope you enjoy alot.. i know ur family is not there to celebrate with you.. but their as well as mine best wishes are always with you
God bless you
Have a Blast
And one more thing ur daughter is too good..
bUt she becomes a pessimist sometimes
I am not complaining about her .. Want her to change that..
I know you mean the world to her and she will definately present you as your Bday gift
Take Care
A very happy b'day to u Mr.joshi!
blessed are u to have such a wonderful gal as ur daughter! hope u njoy ur b'day with family in a special way.
once again happy b'day !
Dearest Mausaji!
Many Happy Returns of this wonderful day:) Aashi is a gem and love you dearly. I'm sure you can tell from the lovely not she has written to you!
Again, happy happy birthday.
Lots of love,
Pushkin & Karishma
Dearest Mausaji!
Many Happy Returns of this wonderful day:) Aashi is a gem of a daughter and she loves you dearly. I'm sure you can tell from the lovely note she has written to you! Enjoy this moment:)
Again, happy happy birthday.
Lots of love,
Pushkin & Karishma
NAMASTE uncle...
happy birthday
hi phuphaji!
many happy returns of the day......
hope this is one of the best gifts you have ever recieved from your daughter....
celebrate & enjoy!!!!!!!!
love you
adi :)
shubha :)
WOW!!!!! :O
firstly thnx a million guys.....uv made this soo special for me n dadda... thnx 4 the wishes..it means a lot... :)
dad this is the only thing i could do for you this afar...
i hope u have a gr8 day.....n u knw we miss u a lot dnt u.. :)
love you and thank you papa for everything
Ths moment goes to histry and ttz true for every moment we spent now... but v humans pick up History Books to realize n analyse wat hapnd then ....
I am litraly STONED to realize how small and so called petty acts when knitted together, dipped in CHASHNI of LOVE can ROLL DOWN tears, what raly blurrng my vision now sitting alongside my DARLING "AKANT" (note its my own part as I am A. Kant Joshi)ie me out in this bewilerness.
Thanks to all you the ONES friends and Admirrers of my Future WORLD ie AASHI who have just made me feel that WHAT I DID WAS GR8, but believe me tt u guys r the ones who encourage and guide in pushing thru in her Professional Passion or Passonate Profession she is on the verge of embarking.
I cn'nt b any match to neone of u Guyz in ritng but fact is This One "Basant" hs outclassd the FIFTYTHREE tt hv passd n I will always TREASURE it in CASKS of heart if only I fail in my mission of GIVING UP EVERYTHING ......... N u all gr8 friends of Aashi ....I am Proud of u not 'cuse u rite for her or me ... but 'cuse u guys r ones who care to yr oldr genration.
They say PERSON GETS WHAT HE GIVES ... Giv Love and U will b loved.
When i c words "Tc" at the end of Aashis letters i realize how term "yours obidiently" of ours time hs lived its age to b replced. Always blend OLD WITH new in Wine terms n u get the best the real "KICK" of life. Old r values n new real, respect what values hv tested itself over anvil of life n like "AVALA fruit" it will gv its sweet taste at last.
I wish i cud go on n on, but realize the plight of the TAKER ie U the READER.
May GOD, livn in each HEART, guide u all n gv u the MUKAAM where u want 2 reach.
Finaly.. thanks AASHI .... dear of all who know u .... Tis BEYOND any material gift I can ever dream of ... U hv many ROOPS n One was here... GOD N GOODNS B WIT U Always
Sorry but unfamiliar with tis Blog way I published without review n comments .... jus d'dnt how to go about correcting .... thees r just nacent n unedited thaughts ... hope they r worth the while for a read
there was sooooo much more dad...didnt knw wat 2 leave out...but then lyk u mentiond its the plight of the readers.. :P
but really dad ur the best...
n tht was the greatest commnt iv recvd...it came strait from ur heart papa...it matters a lot to me.. :)
and to all of my buddies who helped me make this..
Isdastravich (or something to that effect)!
A very, VERY happy birthday to you mausaji!!
May you have a great day, a wondeful year and an even better life!
Lots of Love
The L-122 gang
Hello Uncle!!
Many Many Happy Returns Of the day!! :)
Hope all ur wishes come true this very special day!!
Hello Dad!!!
many many happy returns of the day!!
Helo uncle..Wish u a very happy Bday!!!! Hope u hav a gr8 year ahead not jus fr u ...bt ur family too..!!!!
Datz a lovely piece of wrk aashi joshi;)..!!!! gr8 goin!!
Aila!! Uncle commented.... hey lady, you just received the best compliment ever!! :)
jeez... am so envious of u!! :)
keep writing!! you got style lady!!
@pantaloony...hey urs di..thnkies a million times over sis... :D
@darsh...thnkies sweety thnx a ton!!.. :)
@aditya.. :P well u heard papa jo.. :P
@bhakts...thnx sweety..ur a DEAR...hope uv reachd safe and sound :) tc
@namesake,....wellies i knw i am lucky...as 4 the style bit it wudnt have happnd without all of u guys..
all of u made the day 4 bth of us...for tht..
THANKIES!@!!!!! :D
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