ok...so kekai...acc 2 me...was never bad or evil or ne thing such....she was the most amazing step mom ramji cud ever have....reasons....the ramayan u n i have heard n read till now has always been in hindi...rite???? well if u read it in the orginal txt..then several meanings cum outta it....one of them being tht...kekai had sent ram 4 a vanvas on purpose...she knew tht he had 2 face ravan...she also knew tht ram had practically no experiance of the hardships of life...coz he was the son of a king...and had led a shelterd life...he had 2 knw the pains which he cud learn ona forest only...so thts the reason y he was sent 2 the jungle....also manthra...the so calld evil servant who manipulated all of this was basically an ancient form of spy.....she had found out abt ravan...n rams purpose on earth.... apart frm tht kekai also was the wife who helpd dash in his official duties...remember she was the one who helpd him fite the war....she was a manly form of a woman...so thts y coz our society startd 2 bcum
so thts y coz our society startd 2 bcum ....a male dominated 1....ppl cudnt stand the fact tht kekai had such a strong role in ramayan....one of the main epics of our country...the ppl of the mid ages also knew tht the later gen wudnt knw ne other lang apart frm hindi...tht is so true coz even sanskrit thou widely studied...isnt the same which was there many yrs bk...it has been changed 4 the benefit of these dayz...newy...so coz of tht mostly all convertd txt show kekai n manthra in bad lite...
dnt put it in blog...there is an addition 2 it...n nope she wasnt bad.....she had 2 do tht...y else dya think ramji thnkd her b4 ne1 else......thts coz he realised wat valuable lesson he had learnt....also if she had wanned 2 hv bharat take the thrown......y didnt she push him...n in necase she knew how close bharat n ram were....plus she never did try n entice bharat ever....there is nothing in either form of txt..original or hindi....which tells us tht...so really tht reasonin of her 2 get her son on the thrown is practically baseless
2 wishes she culd ask......one of the wishes was give ram banvas....other was bharat given the thrownread again dear
........newy...yes those were her reasons....but the purpose behind it was pure...she cudnt tell dashrat the entire truth...coz he was a man who thot thru his heart n not head...he never did realise tht rams gng 2 the jungle will help the entire human race...had he been told the real reason...he wudv tried 2 protect his beloved son...so kekai needed a solid reason 2 support her want...
Good thots thr
will wait for the further explanation
well tht was one amazing thought. though i would nt say i totally agree with u thr bt i always thought she was nt evil. thr were so many other things to her than jst sending ram to vanvas.
grt article
thnx guys.....and id lyk 2 hear ur counter points too ak...pls.....do tht..
tush..yeh i have other stuffs comin up..thou i dunno wen i wud b able 2 type it down n post it..hope to do tht sun..:)
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