Language in the third month, encyclopedic knowledge from the sixth month and maths from the ninth month. Bingo! Your infant becomes a scholar within a year.
Hmm think about this. Delhi folks who read “Metro Now” would’ve seen this in their newspapers today. I was always worried about the children in today’s world but these stats are alarming I mean for heavens sake, is this what you want for your child? Just coz a few kids are born geniuses you cant force your tot to be the same can you?
Yes its always good to start nurturing your child’s skills early and channelise his thinking but coz of this admission competition today little children are forced to start moving at a faster pace than in the normal course should be taken. Poor Dears!
Don’t you think we are repeating something our forefathers did? Yes there are many career options in this world today and well all spheres are opening up but just coz a child shows interest in music parents shouldn’t start focusing him in toto onto the same (reminds me quite of the classic “Another Brick in the Wall”). And by ‘child’ I mean kids of around 3 years.
What happened to overall development? What happened to letting a child bask and enjoy his childhood? Just because of a Sania Mirza or a Dhoni or a Kartikeyan many kids today are being forced to play seriously. Sports which were supposed to be something of a stress buster have suddenly become serious business. In fact as far as I recall a case had come up where a father was accused by his wife of torturing their son to death in the craze of making him a tennis star.
Every child is unique and frankly each has his own gift. It might be true that he/she enjoys writing but that doesn’t mean that they would be the next Rowling or Kiran Desai. It might be that writing is just one part of the child’s interest. Who knows he might also love logic or has a hand in designing. But, to realize that, he should be able to get a chance to do everything. Incidentally that also does not mean that he should be sent for classes for all of them. Let your kid be. Teach him what you can at home first. Let the kid enjoy his innocence.
By the way, think about it, aren’t you being a tad bit selfish. Recall your childhood for once. As far as I was concerned I think most of us in that era had a dreamy childhood. Member the days we used to spend playing “langdi taang” “unch neech” “pitthu” etc etc… Don’t you think we learnt things from those games? Don’t you think what we are today a bit of the credit goes to those seemingly silly things we did as children?
We weren’t forced to play those games. They came to us coz we enjoyed them. And don’t you think we have done well. Our generation today has done wonders, hasn’t it? Well then why make the world more fast paced than what it already is. Make your kids work hard when they attain the right age not when they are supposed to have fun. In fact many a times creativity comes when one isn’t “expected” to do something. Its true even when we are in our 20’s 30’s right. Laugh as you may but sometimes the best ideas come in your visits to the loo when your mind isn’t occupied in the nitty gritty’s or deadlines.
Frankly I don’t think I stuck to the topic in total ( usual) and that it’s still unpolished. Yet, all I hope is that what I DID intend to say I could get it across to you all. I know there is a lot more to add in this subject and I hope to see your comments on the same.
ah well.......... reminds of wot i once said in an interview wen asked to differentiate between Calcutta and Mumbai... in calcutta u still have the time to stop by and say what a beautiful day!! I guess it's true for teh current generation too.....
they are always running to some class or teh other....
i guess i have done many a things while growing up and displayed a flair for all of them.. and wot ami doing today?? writing codes for some silly client sitting at some cosy office of his at a distant land.....
the moot point is am i doing badly?? nopes!! did i join the race like the kids are joining today.. nopes!!
den why this inhuman pressure on teh kids to develop fatser than nature had designed them to!! the rise of ppl reporting to psychiatrists for burn put and similar syndromes is on the rise (and mind u its the teenagers whose count is increasing!!).... all thnx to this rat race syndrome!!
Let teh boys play with in themud, and the girls with their dolls... let em enjoy a childhood spent perched on teh branch of a tree, on a swing..... licked iced lollies!!
i vote for dat anyday anytime anywer!!
btw, wer's my iced lolly??? :x.... :P
lolzzzz ur iced lolly is in ur freezer...dnt forget 2 take a peek wen u go bak home :P
hey suji wuji!!!!!!.... ur ryt..and i hope people follow that...we really dont want the kids to loose out to the stupid rat race sadly hey have lost that innocence they hvnt been allowed to njoy, the fairy tales they hvnt been allowed to drift into...darn i repeat..POOR DEARZ!!!
btw thnx pal.. :D
but the thing is PARENTS DREAM rubbin on deir kids to fulfil dem hav bcom a fashion dese days .....but a part of it may b true cos to catch dis world kid is to b polished frm ealry days however it shud not giv mental stress to kid n shudnt go against his thoughts...
But parents, dese days doesnt reply in vat kids r interested cos dey r interested in deir aspirations n ambitions n rubbing em on kids, poor lil innocnets r sufferin...if dey alteast show a part of concern of deir interests n concern in achievin deir ambitionz to nuture the kids interest...our country wud hav been a DIAMOND VALLEY ages ago.....
itna lamba
u writng a book kya...
waise i agree with u
so much pressure on kiddos nowdays
well ur kids wuld be lucky aashi
nice one
keep up the good work
absolutely correct....dtz wat da paernts want 2day i guess.....i read da story abt dat tennis(or table tennis kid)...its sick.....
parents 2day just monitor da kid 4 any signs of talent or activity da kid mite be gud in....n den go out of dere way 2 force feed(cudn't think of a better term) info on dat stuff..i mean cmon a 3year old can't decide wat he/she wants 2 do 4 life...ppl r innately dynamic.....a child mite be interested in some stuff(again 4 lack of a better term) and maybe gud at it but dat doesn't mean he'll wanna make it his life's calling..such desicions shud be left 4 a later stage wen da prson has experienced everything and can make da choice..n more importently da choice shud be left 2 da person n dat person alone...n parents shudn't force dere kids 2 achieve wat dey cudn't...n i liked da brick in da wall reference..i love pink floyd.....
Rahul(name changed) is on the verge of becoming an astronaut.He has immense knowledge about the universe and even knows the names of the nine planets in our solar system.Rahul is made to watch space programmes on discovery channel and is even given classes on astronomy by his father.I too know the names of the planets but according to his father he has more chances of becoming an astronaut than me because he is 3 years old and I am 21 so he has time to learn more.(Although his father doesn't know that I know the names of the planets in serial order).
But last night Rahul and I got talking over colas and a glass of milk(I'm not allowed to have colas) and he told me that he wanted to be an astronaut so he can control autobots and fight against the Decepticons.I being the mature one had to tell him the truth that you can't do such things by becoming an astronaut.At most you can walk in space in a funny suit.And to control Autobots you will have to travel to Zyloc galaxy using an anti-matter trasnporter which is very difficult to create(Shaky Willy tried making one last summer and ended up short circuiting the main lines).I really didn't want to break his heart by telling the truth but better now than later.Like when on my 20th birthday my father told me that Superman is not real I was completely devastated.I even tore up my Superman fan club membership card.I didn't want this to happen to Rahul.
So what I want to say is that Rahul doesn't want to be an astronaut,he doen't even know what astronauts do(they sure as hell don't control robots),even if he does want to be an astronaut right now there are no guarantees he will want the same next month.Fantastic 4 is releasing soon and if he then decides that he wants to be the Silver Surfer is his father going to buy him a surf-board and silver body paint.I don't think so.
So just let him be a human kid right now and when the time is right and he is mature enough to decide what he wants out of life support him in his endeavour.Like last month I told my parents that I wanted to be a dictator,they bought me a notepad so i can dictate notes to my friends.
And ultimately don't force your child to take up something he is incidentally good at.Hell i was pretty good at jumping ropes but I wouldn't want to take it up as a career.And please don't force upon him/her something that you wanted but couldn't achieve.Lets face it folks,your child is not you.(Rahul told me to put this line in the end).
Welsaid. Tru ...... childhud dosnt com bak n believ when old, without exception, all do feel HOW GUD VER THOSE DAYS.
But if the new generation n upcomming parents read and practice such articles, they wil definately regret themselves tt they were not those lucky ones than who were born to them, but at same time WOULD BE THE PROUD ONES WHO CHANGED THE PATHS OF THE DEDLY "GONU" (the recent cyclone)- Akant
@tush...lolzzzzz...hmm well thts way ahead at the momnt...but newyz thnx 4 the complimnt.. :P
@moony....hmm yeh i guess its the same i was talkin of.....and 4 ur second was sooooo ur style moony...thnx.. :)
@arun kant......DADDYYYYY JOOOO !!!!!!!!!!! wow am flatterd at present...thnx papa it meant a lot u knw this commnt...i hope u keep doin this...its darn special 4 me :) i just canr seem 2 react further at present :O
theres no doubt dat d world in which we live is a highly competetive one.U hv to be on ur toes n be alert if wanna achieve success.but every individual has a ryt to do or pursue dat in which he or she is interested in.. no one shud try to force sm1 to carry out smthin in which he or she is nt interesed coz dat endeavour wud be a failure frmd start..n also i agree wid d fact dat everybody cnt be a genius but still if dey r left to lead there own life they will surely achieve if nt success...happiness atleast!
Hi guys,
I am new here.. make that new and lazy.. lazy because i have skipped reading all ur comments! (i know , what makes me think u'll read mine! :D )
But newez, here goes -
These parents of today, they basically have gone crazy.. i mean there's one thing which is called loving, and caring for ur child.. a step away is being passionate and possesive.. and take another step, and u come at where the Parents's are today..
Did they say "Kids" or was it Commodities??? Comparing them with every other one for every small intricate issue there is.. If he/she's bad, then keep cursing the fact, and ask ur child to be better , better and better.. and incase he/she's good, then boast abt it as if they are the supreme creatures on this planet!
Its good to try and make ur kids achieve a certain something in life, but not at all just or fair to continually tell them to be the best in any and every field there is.. They are Kids after all.. at an age where one shudnt at all be even bothered about terms like "competitiveness", leave apart infusing it into their basic nature..
Its fast become a problem that society is facing on the whole.. only thing that can bring about a change is a change in the mindset of the parents..
and we have an abrupt end! (cunt think of what more to write for now, maybe some other time..)
@vibhs...yes ur ryt the basic thing ppl forget these days is happiness...its satisfaction for b happy is not to achieve things..its to b satisfied with wat one has...or can achieve.,..if wat u want is wat u have...bth in the mind n physically...ur happy... :)
@prateek..its ohk..u dnt hvta do tht reading congrats for gng thru the post wasnt short newyz..:P
well ur ryt in wat u aint commodities...they r humans....n its thier ryt 2 njoy themselves...parents r thier guides not gods....they dunno wat god has in store 4 thier kids...
kids rnt status symbols ppl...they r ur children...let them have wat u had ....thier childhood...they have equal ryt 2 tht :)
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