Hey...this is just a blog where i post random thots from serious stuff to wild ideas to well round about anything i want to. I aint regular really just would try to b just so.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas: Tis the season to be jolly...
Its holiday season yet again… another year almost gone by… yuletide spirit resounding across the globe. Gosh tis the season to be jolly… falalalalalala. It’s that time of year when we go reminiscing about the year gone by and wonder what’s the next 12 month kept in store for us.
Things have been achieved, India’s made its mark in many areas at the global platform, new talents have come into the forum and comedies have rocked the film industry (lolzz…sry I just hadta mention that).
Although I haven’t thought much in terms of Christmas celebrations, I seriously love the feel one gets when a carol is playing somewhere in the background… or those little red caps bobbing, or maybe those folks dressed up in Santa suits spreading a smile round town.
But you really wanna know the best thing about X-mas?? It’s the sudden urge that one gets to give. I don’t know if you go through it but during the holiday season somehow for some reason I get this sudden urge to give, give and give. (yeh yeh ideally I should be saying that this giving feel should happen 24*7 but just to be honest… it doesn’t come as frequently as it should… and hey am NOT proud of that… just that its an honest confession). Anyways the point is, here we aint talking about a particular culture. Here tis all about the spirit of being one.
I just hope that the reason that we celebrate these festivals actually sinks into us… and that’s to be one unified entity. Yeps I know it sounds idealistic… but then don’t we all aim to be just that??
Hmm for those who’ve read whatever gibberish iv written before would’ve been expecting this twist in the article… its no new to them I suppose … and for those who’ve actually gone through it for the first time, and are totally dazed… just a warning of sorts… I kinda like jumping around topics…….. Not done intentionally though believe me :D
Alright alright I just thought of writing this cause I didn’t see any blog on the same… wonder why???
But you know something just another random thought… although we do have religional probs within the country somehow the fact that so many cultures reside together within this nation gives us the opportunity to love and celebrate the festivals together. Just imagine not celebrating Christmas if Christians weren’t a part of India, or maybe Diwali if Hindu’s ceased to exist in this land. And how about Eid and Lohri? Well the list is endless and we just freak out on each holiday… f not in terms of celebrations… just think of how many offs we get from schools n offices.. ;) hahahaha…that oughta make you glad if for nothing else :P
I think its enuf for the day!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The death of innocence.
But yesterday's shootout dispelled all myths. Azad Yadav along with his friend Vikas shot their classmate Abhishek in school. The pain of Abhishek's parents cannot be understood how so ever much we try. Their anger or shock cannot be put into words. They lost a son and on an issue where such an outcome seemed outrageous. I mean who thought that a school fight, a common sight seen across generations, could lead to a cold-blooded murder.
But right now I want to look into a totally different aspect to the whole incident. There was an article that had come out a few days back on how video games and TV have started showing violent and sexual content thereby harming the mental growth of the youth today. Such games lead kids to believe that killing is an easy way to end misery and that it's ok to use violence to get one heard.
Seeing murder and sex on a daily basis has made them a 'no-big-deal' thing these days.
But then we can't just blame the generation alone it's the whole society now that needs to take the blame. Today kids are being subjected to a lot of pressure, be it peer pressure or pressure to out-perform everyone in every field be it education, sports or other extra-curricular activities. What they need is someone who can help them out without making them feel intimidated or disgusted (read molly-cuddling teachers or over-zealous 'councillors').
These folks need help but it needs to be given very subtly. Psychiatry or Psychology may sound as great professional subjects but not many in India like to visit psychiatrists/psychologists. The discomfort stems from the fact that people believe that these doctors are for the mentally ill or to be more colloquial 'pagal' people. What they don't realise that the guys are just regular doctors who need to be visited ideally on a daily basics. Like we have family docs in India, in the US and UK most families have their own psychologist. It's a must these days.
We should stop being so arrogant as to think that the people in our society don't need it and that those people out of India suffer such mental problems solely because they have a casual lifestyle unlike ours. We still love to live in that dream world where we live perfect lives of dutiful sons, daughters, fathers, mothers etc. Unfortunately the reality is far different. We are in as much need of these doctors as anyone else across the globe. Once we accept that a lot of such problems would cease immediately.
Now back to the shootout incident.
What was Azad thinking when he was about to kill Abhishek? Why didn't anyone send all the three kids off to counselling as soon as that physical fight occurred? Had they not seen the basic fact that a physical fight meant that things had gone out of hands of the school authorities and that merely calming them at that moment or handing out punishments would not suffice?
A lot has changed in a child's psyche from what it used to be in yester years. Today children have far more responsibilities and choices in life. They can choose from a million pathways thereby they either may attain worldwide glory or might end up as Azad did... in jail.
I dunno what I have inferred from all that. Just that I strongly feel that we need to realise that such incidence won't be stopped unless we accept the faults in our society. Yes this is a great nation but it too is made up of human beings and like I said earlier in today's life we need counselling to deal with the pace and stress that comes as an excess baggage.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Just thot of posting something!!!
Wrick................ he usually does tht
2. What were you doing at 0800?
Just waking up to start packing n rushing bak home
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Posting an emma watson pic in timesofindia.com as a home pic
4. What happened to you in 2006?
I started orkutting and learnt how 2 finally chat.. :P and made tonzzzzzzzz of online buddies....n not 2 forget started blogging
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
SHUT UP!!! a reason I cnt let out :P
6. How many beverages did you have today?
Coffee and tea if I dnt count water.. lets say abt 15 glasses.....all included
7. What color is your hairbrush?
Pink with black bristles
8. What was the last thing you paid for?
9. Where were you last night?
Attending a reception
10. What color is your front door?
11. Where do you keep your change?
In my wallet
12. What's the weather like today?
Cold...chillin' as usual...
13. What's the best ice-cream flavor?
Choco chips........... netym...yumm!!!
14. What excites you?
lots of things do.........I usually am overexcited ;)
15. Do you want to cut your hair?
NO WAYS!!!!!!.....but with my mum.I dnt really have a choice :(
16. Are you over the age of 25?
Nopesi.......not yet
17. Do you talk a lot?
Hmmm nah am the quiet sorts ;)................
and ekta kapoor is my bestesht fraand :P
18. Do you watch the O.C.?
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
ille pille paon :P......... but I do knw abt steven spielburg
20. Do you make up your own words?
yeh thts fun
21. Are you a jealous person?
yes I am......... found tht out not long bak.I can get really jealous most of the times
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’.
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
first name tht cums 2 my mind is........ Kunal. :P
24. Who's the first person on your received call list?
25. What does the last text message you received say?
Yeh I am hv 2 wake up early ofc ryt in da mornin newyz any new prpsls 2nyt?
26. Do you chew on your straw?
27. Do you have curly hair?
28. Where's the next place you’re going to?
dunno... :O
29. Who's the rudest person in your life?
Pata nahin..........translates to: dunno
30. What was the last thing you ate?
Ruffle Lays (masala)
31. Will you get married in the future?
erm.........as sun as I get my fool 2 accept
32. What's the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
JAB WE MET!!!!!!!!!... :D it rockd
33. Is there anyone you like right now?
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
This morning
35. Are you currently depressed?
nopes just bored
36. Did you cry today?
37. Why did you answer and post this?
tympass.wanned 2 fill my blog with sumthing!!!
38. Tag few people who would do this survey.
erm........ all those who have commentd on this blog...........pls pls...do this..... :)
I just pickd it up......n to those who have read this......go ahead give it a shot.. :)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Happy Dussehra!!
Well here is yet another festival that glorifies what we Indians are so proud of… our past. The golden history of our forefathers leaves most of us stumped till now. This festival stands out solely on the fact that we celebrate the victory of good over evil. Quite a cliché statement don’t you think? Well so be it... and yet it is true... I won’t deny that many-a-times things just don’t go the right way and we feel that this entire goody-goody factor is nothing more than a way to transport us into a fantasy world… an escape route from the harsh reality of the world. Maybe that is true too, and yet if we really look through things every ‘bad occurrence’ usually has a reason behind it. Something that ultimately is beneficial for us on the whole.
Too optimistic? Hmm… not quite actually, try doing this: write down all the negative things/incidents that have happened in your life… the one you may even be going through at the present moment. Once that’s done just ponder through and think if there was any new friend you made at that point or someone you thought was a friend but proved otherwise. Or you realized that you actually had a hidden talent within you which came out during that adversary. And if finally you find that nothing came through from it, there was one definite positive factor… and that was your inner strength the fact that you actually survived the ordeal. Did you know that you actually had so much of strength within you? That many a strong people would’ve actually committed suicide rather than face what you had faced. Well just feel proud of that.
Ok I know this may not have been relevant to the main reason for writing this article… so many a pardon for that. Lolz! Anyways
Happy Dussehra yet again to all of you and I hope that you would remember the fact that good always does win over evil in the end. It might take years, just as it did for Lord Ram but you finally do win.
Oh and like always…
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Yeh namesake...the middle name game is on...
well honestly speaking i dnt have one... though i guess since namesake tuk his blog name....i have a license 2 make one up 2.. :D
OK....Here are the rules:
* Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
* When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
* At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged.
alryt...i really am scratching my head on this one.....and i guess id go with.................
thts linkd with my hotmail id...which the ppl who didnt knw much abt the potter series...assumed that it was my pet name...
or a unique invention of myn stylising my name sumhow :P
lolzzz....so well here goes...
A: Atrocious...yeh i can b if my heart sets on bugging sumone.... ;)
C: Coy.......hmmm i am in my own way a bit shy
C: Cautious............thts inherent actually I am a capricorn...so caution is really my middle name :P ...lol...sorry for the horrible pun.. :D
I: Ignorant ...yep usually I love behaving lyk an all knowing brat...lol..the granma who has all the answers stored in her...but usually its instinct which guides me into giving guidance to others...luckily for me...it sumhow always works.. ;)
O: Outrageous.... lol...kinda...geez i am turning out to b a monster aint i :D
newyz....phew!!!!...wow done..
ok now 2 find my bakras....ummm......................
A: Anand..i... mai.. :D
C: Cuckoo
C: Crackerjack.... moony ur show pls... :)
I: Isha
O: oye i get a slight licence in this one ..:P Hoppy aka shubhs...u do this :D
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I fell in love today!!!!!
The affair went on all morning…..it started almost the moment I stepped in for work…… nothing could’ve felt more blissful…more perfect……………….
Wow …. Now that was sumthing wasn’t it…I mean I just re-read what I wrote n realized id gone nuts…oh soo totally…………………………lolzz..
But really I did fall in love today….just maybe the right question to ask me would be with what… and not with whom… :D
I dunno if you read about this lady who had wanted to sell herself and her son to save the life of her husband…..
Chck it out here
it was soo shocking.. but honestly speaking I thought not many would care.. I aint saying they would’ve ignored it totally…but I was sure tht the commnts which would cum wud mostly be tht of criticizing the govt…n the usual stuff…… but commnts came..and they came in hoards. I just don’t know how to describe what I went thru when I was clearing those comments… the love and the compassion shown by Indians from world over was overwhelming…the help didn’t stop ….the flow went on n on n on…. It felt that the whole nation had united to fight for a cause… and with every opinion I cleared I fell further in love with India.. I haven’t stopped smiling ever since… there was this feeling that I can’t seem to put into words…
I mean every single person was there to contribute… and from all the parts of the world.. it was amazing…. There were people who blindly wanted to send amounts most who said that they would do everything under their power to help out… the want to help was soo strong that almost all commentd the second time wondering why the trust they all routed for wasnt still set up… well to clear tht of… we had to get everyones msg across b4 the higher authorites workd upon it…..and they are working on it…in fact I think its already startd.. newyz tht besides the point…
You havta chck the comments sent by the people to realize what I mean….
There was this particular guy who was supposed to cum bak 2 india in nov but coz of this he plans 2 cum bak on the 5th…he said that he so wanted togo 2 the lady herselso that he cud help her out even aftr her husband recovers as there wud b a million more things to deal with…he gave his cuz no..and many contact details of himself..
And why just him….there were many who did jut the same…….each contributing in his/her on way……each dying to help out
I know I am blabbering…but I just want to spit it out…… gosh I am falling in love with my country and it feels so great.. this emotion that rarely comes besides the usual 15th aug or 26th jan….it gives a sense of security…a need to just hug sumthing……
Really I just feel great at the momnt…………….and all I can say is..
Saturday, September 29, 2007
heres one with my name in it.. :)
lol....i have been writing 2 much on cricket hvnt i.. :P
hope u like this un too.. :D
Friday, September 28, 2007
something i wrote :)
This is something I wrote rather to be honest compiled there is another one on the way thought Id share it with all of you. I seriously hope you like it and would love your views on improoving this. Nothing extraordinare, but it was a certain high to see that i contributed in a little way to the content of TOI :)
Friday, September 21, 2007
All in a day's work...
Well in case u don’t know what am I talking about at the moment I suggest read that humongous RED thing pasted below.. :P yeh u’v gotta read thru..
What is wrong in appointing Saurabh Gongoli as new captain. for both ODI's and test Crecket.
Open your eyes, Dravid was same no experience and you put him on chair he got tired, So use experience and get back to basis,
Your 20/20 world cup team is a small buyers team and not fit enough to represent India. All Good buys are awaiting at Home and all rejects are there playing.
What a Selection team of BCCI>
evry one is fadup with such childish approach to a All
Think again and bring back Saurabh......
What is wrong with appointing Saurav Ganguly as the captain for both the ODIs as well as test cricket? Open your eyes, appointing Dravid had been a similar mistake, he had practically no experience and you gave him such a huge responsibility and he got tired. So use someone who is experienced and get back to the basics. The 20/20 World Cup team is small in comparison to the big league and not fit enough to represent
he no more expericne for the indian circket team skiper and all the team members are not like to ms dhoni for our captan
He does not have the right amount of experience that is required, to be a captain. This would also create a hindrance as due to Dhoni’s lack of seniority he would not be well accepted as a captain by his own teammates.
jada nahin bolna chahiye.....muh bund rakho???????
he will be experienced after some experience.
Dhoni will do well for the team. As for being experienced as a captain, well if once he does become a captain only then could he gain that required 'experience' that so many people are talking about. People have to start from somewhere right?
I agree. However, we found senior players experiences are also futile. We must try with young blood to apply own ideas and convinction and that will sooner show the good results.
I guess reading that wud have seriously cleared off that fact about y do v edit… gawd many a times I seriously forget what correct English looked like once ur going thru this…grammer goes for a six…:P
oh yeh n frankly these are examples I can seriously dare 2 post….and I dnt think a 2page comment wud exactly interest u…. ;)
We do get a variety of love letters, recipes, resumes and BC/MC comments which I don’t think I could dare paste out here………………..
But yeh we do get nice comments too…this ones perfect…no editing needed…
Perfect RO no changes!!
I think in
P.S. hope this also answers those who wondered what the hell DID I do in offc…not tht this is just my job..practically the whole team works on this…we get around 500 odd comments per day esp on the hot topix!!! :P
Sunday, September 02, 2007
A tribute to you Shank!!

~~~Shashank Swarup~~~
He played a lot of roles these are a few I thot I could chart out.
As a friend: As a buddy he was a darling. He just knew when I was upset and when I just wanted sum1 next to me and just be present. He was a total psycho. But a psycho with a big heart and a lot of understanding, many a times he just knew unspoken things. He had a funny way to console people. And yet when he did, it came across that he cared. And really that’s all that finally does matter, right? For me he was my ICSE buddy. The first person I ended up chatting with and finally bugging the whole class. 11D my first class in APJ, a co-ed I thot id never adjust to, cumin from an all girls skul. But know wat… shank turnd out 2b one of my very first buddies in class…. The irony being that he was an ex all-boy-skul product himself. Strange how things go abt dnt they? There were many times he sacrificed his wants to take care of a friend. And know something although he left for Pune to complete his grad his heart stayed with his frenz in Delhi. For him we were almost family. Being a hostelite…this is a fact that just cumz naturally, something I am sure all people who’ve ever stayed in a hostel would know. If you ever spoke to him on the ph (mind he wud usually not b the one calling up) you could hear the yearning in his voice.
And like his whole life his death turned out to be ironical. Those he loved so much in his life. For those he would run across the world for, there wasn’t anyone who was present there beside him when he left this world.
As a brother: As a bro…well I found this very strange when I heard that he was the responsible one between the siblings. Truly speaking, although I knew this guy was a caring fella I never could count him as a responsible bro…but he turned out to be more than that… he became a father figure for his younger brother. He was everything for that little guy.. a father a friend a guide.. Everything!! I last met Shank a year back…ever since we just never could meet up… and yet he left a void in me…but when I think of Shwetab… his younger bro… I realise that no one’s lament could match that little boys sorrow…
As an achiever: Yep he proved himself… this guy showed everyone that if you put your heart into a thing you could achieve it. He had his heart set on Symbiosis Pune. He had gotten thru quite a few good colleges but he never took the easy way out. He had created his aim and went for it…. And his struggle paid of and he got thru…. Just that he never got to study there………………….. but then I am so proud of this guy who was such a laid back chilled out kinda guy otherwise but a guy who turned out to have so much will-power that he fulfilled his dream before he left for his final visit to the Almighty. YOU DID IT SHANK!!!!!
As a son: This is one role I can’t talk on much, since I never really saw him playing it. But I do know that he loved his family…I do know that he was the eldest son in his family and that he always performed his duties as well.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Call me a feminist but chck this out....
"Development is a highly positive term. If we count westernisation as development then it is not true. It is up to an individual to decide what are her values and line of control. Development can't lead to deterioration."
a comment by a reader yet again n hell this tym just try n find out wat i am trying to point to all of you
pssttt... its in relation to the last post....
i wont write this tym n yet hope tht you can guess wat i am trying to show you.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Dear MR. Editor!!!!
"Mr Editor,Could we have a more incompetent......"
"Sir,I would like to know..........."
"Sir,Is there any criminal offence..............."
Yeh well I better stop here and explain eh.. Frankly this is like the minutest of a sample from the overflowing reader's opinion we get. Guess that was too fast. So let me start from the beginning. I work in an online journalism section of a company where readers in response to articles send their opinions. The quotes I posted way in the beginning are just a small percent of the lot we get. Which usually start this way.
So?? There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong there does it??..lol...yeh well really it isn’t your fault either... that’s the way most of us are conditioned right?
ohk ohk....wont uphold the suspense anymore.....the thing bugging me here is the beginning of each sentence. Why is it always SIR or MR. EDITOR??....is it coz the editor is really a male??.. not quite...my boss..rather boss’s boss is a female..a brilliant one at that.
so really the Sir came as a conditioned response than knowledge...a pity don’t you think...women have done wonders in almost all fields and yet when one thinks about a doctor or a lawyer the "HE" or male factor comes in doesn’t it. just be honest for once. And hey this isn’t an attack on only the males...female members of our society are just as guilty of this.
In fact, just before ending this i'd like to add a question my psychology proff. asked us in our first year of grad. She told us this incident and asked us to give an answer to the puzzle…….i’ll try and frame the question as well as I can:
One stormy night, a father and a son were traveling in a car across a forest. Here they met with a deadly accident where the father died on the spot. The son was badly injured but a few people who were accidentally passing by took the kid straight to the nearest hospital. There the doctor in charge immediately operated on the child and then went straight to the people and said…”Thank you. You have saved my son”.
Hmm now if you haven’t figured out the answer I just might be a bit surprised. But even if that is the case the answer is simple……….. The doc was the child’s mum. Easy is it??Not quite usually people never figure it out. The answers I get to this question varies from the doc being a church’s father to the ghost of the father entering the doc to thank the people. Rather amusing aint it??
But truly speaking it’s a tragic thing. Nothing of harm mabbe. But all things evil or good start with the thought behind it. They start with the attitude and aptitude of a person towards a certain thing. And if that is negative God forbid a lot of negativities would come out of that.
Think about it!!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
The Man in My Life....
Usually children make their fathers their best buddies. Well I don’t think I had ever shared that casual a rapport with my dad. He is a friend but not a “buddy” (dunno how do I explain that any better but I guess I could get the message across). Having inherited most of his traits, obviously we have had our share of clashes. For one thing both of us have that stubborn streak. As far as I recall once we hadn’t spoken to each other for weeks together even though we stayed under the same roof. That when I had barely turned 11. Had it not been my mother’s insistence of locking us out of the house for a week if we continued our tryst any further, I guess it would’ve taken us months to even say hi. That apart from the many strange battles of wills I’ve had with papa. Strangely we never had many verbal fights, a privilege I just share with my mum. With dad well many a times I don’t need to even speak (yep I do manage to stay quite at times you know…maano ya na maano :P). Just coz we are so similar by nature my dad understands my silence more often than not.
A man of few needs, dad’s dearest wish is to run off to the hills and immerse himself into meditation and the Almighty. Strange for someone who most of his life was surrounded by the most exotic materialistic things available on the face of this earth. And yet the battles and ups n downs my dads faced leaves me in awe. Yeh I know it’s a cliché (but then clichés are clichés coz they stand true in case of many ryt?) well then just like millions of kids round the world I too look upto my dad. Seen him face tough situations in life and yet smiling and sailing through the whole thing.
But having said all of this, papa has always been too emotional. In fact this very friendly, understanding and emotional nature of his has made him a buddy for most of my cousins. But personally I call him an emotional fool. He is a Cancerian and I am a Capricorn. I guess that really does make me many a times impatient towards that emotional side of his. Sorry dadda for hurting you with that impatience for not being able to reach your level of emotional superiority. All because of this fool of a practical brain of mine which never allows me to understand.
A guide someone who recognized my talent to write and encouraged me to go ahead. A supporter to all the decisions I made respecting them and treating me as an adult always howsoever erratic I sounded. A diary to whom I could open upto and speak to bluntly about many topics which exist under the sun (one of my favorite being the time we discussed as to why arranged marriages are better than love marriages).
Thanx dad for involving me and trusting me to make decisions for the family. For taking my opinion on most matters even when I hadn’t even touched my teens. For letting me take any course in my life and trying and finding out all the positive factors for that decision of mine. For showing me the fact that take precautions before the occurrence of any disaster and once the loss has occurred cheer up and think that you never owned any object like that or that whatever happened was meant to happen and would be of advantage to you.

…….~ ~ **HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA** ~ ~ .......
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
A Soupful of Years..
We have all passed thru various phases in our lives. Been hurt and healed simultaneously. Many a times, especially as teenagers we think it’s just us who experience hurt or injustice. We think twice before saying something or sharing our thoughts, fearing that worse would come from the same. Plus our worse fears of being publicly humiliated or pitied leaves us keeping our secrets to ourselves. Little do we realize then that the same inhibitions, fears and stories are being lived by many just like us.
And then we need a friend….
Unfortunately I never did think much of myself as a teen. Was an introvert for most of my teen years. I took comfort in books then. Hung on to them as my best pals. And then there was this one series which really took me away and made me forget my life. Just as a bowlful of chicken soup is something an ill person needs most, my hurt and confused soul needed those dollops of helpings of the “Chicken Soup” series. I guess there were many like me who empathized with those little stories. Each just leaving you with that weird feeling of wondering how on earth did those thoughts you kept in the innermost part of your heart have been so clearly bared out by some stranger living in the other end of the world.
Am sure many shared the same relationship with this particular series like I did. Many times I thought of sending my story. But something always held me back. How I wish at least I would’ve written and preserved my thoughts then. I of course know those stories still and yet I could never replicate that helplessness I had then. And without that it would be useless. For really the essence of these stories were the intensity and honesty of emotions. Well then that’s the past. And I really thank “chicken soup” for helping me sail through those years. Not easy really, but then at least those stories had never let me feel lonely and alone. I always knew that there was someone out there who suffered just like me or even worse and in some strange way of my own it helped me heal. For those who have read them, I trust they’d know what I have been trying to convey and for those who haven’t well your missing something beautiful the soul series is there for every phase of your life. Just go and pick one up for yourself. I hope you would love it as much as I did.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
gr8.. :P tagged me huh varsh..
Your Name: Aashi
Famous Singer/Band: ABBA
4 letter word: Alas
Street: ...hmm i ccant think of ne at the mo.. so skip this
Color: Aqua
Gifts/Presents: Antiques
Vehicle: Audi
Things in a Souvenir Shop: ...antique jewelry
Boy Name: Aditya
Girl Name: Akanksha
Movie Title: Antz
Drink: Apple juice :P
Occupation: Astronaut
Flower: African lilly
Celebrity: Audrey Hepburn...(dunno y tht name popd.. :O)
Magazine: ASK mag
City: Atlantic
Pro Sports Teams: Australian cricket team....(cudnt get "pro'er" then this :P)
Fruit: Apple
Reason for Being Late for Work: Appendix 2 b removed :P(i skipped office yestrdy)
Something You Throw Away: apple core
Things You Shout: Ahoy!!!!!
Cartoon Character: Ariel....the mermaid
lolzz....hmm now i tag ...
tushar mangal..
moonstruck crakerjack...
urvashi pant.. (start getting ur blog gng di :P)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
No-Show At Cannes
There's a lot of hoopla surrounding the fact that Indian cinema is becoming global. Really? What exactly did the largest producer of films in the world have to show for itself at the recent Cannes film festival?
by harsh.v.pant
Monday, June 11, 2007
Language in the third month, encyclopedic knowledge from the sixth month and maths from the ninth month. Bingo! Your infant becomes a scholar within a year.
Hmm think about this. Delhi folks who read “Metro Now” would’ve seen this in their newspapers today. I was always worried about the children in today’s world but these stats are alarming I mean for heavens sake, is this what you want for your child? Just coz a few kids are born geniuses you cant force your tot to be the same can you?
Yes its always good to start nurturing your child’s skills early and channelise his thinking but coz of this admission competition today little children are forced to start moving at a faster pace than in the normal course should be taken. Poor Dears!
Don’t you think we are repeating something our forefathers did? Yes there are many career options in this world today and well all spheres are opening up but just coz a child shows interest in music parents shouldn’t start focusing him in toto onto the same (reminds me quite of the classic “Another Brick in the Wall”). And by ‘child’ I mean kids of around 3 years.
What happened to overall development? What happened to letting a child bask and enjoy his childhood? Just because of a Sania Mirza or a Dhoni or a Kartikeyan many kids today are being forced to play seriously. Sports which were supposed to be something of a stress buster have suddenly become serious business. In fact as far as I recall a case had come up where a father was accused by his wife of torturing their son to death in the craze of making him a tennis star.
Every child is unique and frankly each has his own gift. It might be true that he/she enjoys writing but that doesn’t mean that they would be the next Rowling or Kiran Desai. It might be that writing is just one part of the child’s interest. Who knows he might also love logic or has a hand in designing. But, to realize that, he should be able to get a chance to do everything. Incidentally that also does not mean that he should be sent for classes for all of them. Let your kid be. Teach him what you can at home first. Let the kid enjoy his innocence.
By the way, think about it, aren’t you being a tad bit selfish. Recall your childhood for once. As far as I was concerned I think most of us in that era had a dreamy childhood. Member the days we used to spend playing “langdi taang” “unch neech” “pitthu” etc etc… Don’t you think we learnt things from those games? Don’t you think what we are today a bit of the credit goes to those seemingly silly things we did as children?
We weren’t forced to play those games. They came to us coz we enjoyed them. And don’t you think we have done well. Our generation today has done wonders, hasn’t it? Well then why make the world more fast paced than what it already is. Make your kids work hard when they attain the right age not when they are supposed to have fun. In fact many a times creativity comes when one isn’t “expected” to do something. Its true even when we are in our 20’s 30’s right. Laugh as you may but sometimes the best ideas come in your visits to the loo when your mind isn’t occupied in the nitty gritty’s or deadlines.
Frankly I don’t think I stuck to the topic in total (lolz..as usual) and that it’s still unpolished. Yet, all I hope is that what I DID intend to say I could get it across to you all. I know there is a lot more to add in this subject and I hope to see your comments on the same.
Monday, June 04, 2007
What happend to that five letter word?
Well frankly I’d put my head down coz I am defiantly guilty of not having faith in people. Strange don’t you think? I mean the way we go about it just because 10 percent of the population we don’t help out the rest 90%. We are suspicious and apprehensive about everything at all times aren’t we?
Pardon me if it hurts sentiments but really the worse of such cases I have seen is mistrust towards Muslims. I can’t seem to understand why because of a few freaks the whole community is looked down upon. I have quite a few Muslim buddies and really there ain’t any issues with them. Heck one doesn’t even care or know about it unless asked specifically.
in fact I think I’d take an e.g. from my own family. My bhabhi (sis in law) and I were traveling on a train with a baby. Now we had a rather uncomfortable seat and the child needed to have some space. There was a berth next to us which was solely occupied by a Muslim gentleman. I requested my bhabhs to ask him for the seat but I got the weirdest reaction possible from her and she simply put it that he is a Muslim. That taking into account that she is the most broadminded person I know. Well I simply went on my own and he graciously gave up his seat I mean just cause some terrorists turn out to be Muslims it doesn’t mean that you’d typecast the whole faith as that.
It’s unfair.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Stork "tees" up at Randhawa's Doorway
Compered by Manpreet Brar, the results of the tournament had Randhawa leading with a total of 85 points while India's leading amateur, Simarjeet Singh, seconded with 75 points. Vikram Rana finished third and Anirban Lahiri and Jasjeet Singh tied-fourth with 65 and 60 points.
Newly experiencing the joys of fatherhood, Randhawa's face softened up at the mention of his newly born son, Zorawar. When asked how he changed Jyoti as a golfer, pat came the reply that it helped him become more matured and humble as a person. "One of the most common requirements for any golfer to perform well is to be humble apart from having a great level of concentration and maturity." He further added that "One has to always keep working for every game because in this game any one could beat you, so consistent performance is of utmost importance."
Conversations further moved towards how golf is now better accessible to the average middle class. In that respect Randhawa was clear that Indians now had access to golf but there is a serious lack of golf courses in India. He also said that if Indian golf had to raise its platform to the International arena it is of utmost importance that pro-golfers coach the upcoming ones and guide them in the right direction. When questioned if he would like to write a book on the same respect, Randhawa smiled and said he would do so as soon as he found a writer for himself.
The one-day extravaganza also saw Jyoti taking on the charms of actress Neha Dhupia on the golfing greens, albeit blind-folded. Ranked 77th in the International arena, Jyoti charmed actress Neha Dhupia by giving her tips on golf.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Your Leisure, My Work
We all work right?? Strangely what seems a job for one turns out to be a source of entertainment or “change” for the other. Rather to be specific I am currently refrerring more to the so called “unconventional” jobs.
To a journalist or an editor the newspapers and magazines are an integral part od their work while for others it’s a it’s a part of their routine relaxation period. To lay back with a cup of coffee and a paper in hand.
Now that person might be a music composer or a DJ or such for whom music apart from passion is a job his bread earning method to be precise. The irony now being that music is a soothing change for that same journalist who provides those guys their leisure breaks.
So now, what is the point of writing this? Believe me I am not very sure yet again. This was just a thought that crossed my mind while I was working and for a change switched on the radio. Funnily enough I wonder how I never mentioned an RJ back there??
Well I suppose that maybe because I love jabbering and I have that field too somewhere back in my sub conscience mind…
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
this post is 4 the time being wud explain it further later on
so thts y coz our society startd 2 bcum ....a male dominated 1....ppl cudnt stand the fact tht kekai had such a strong role in ramayan....one of the main epics of our country...the ppl of the mid ages also knew tht the later gen wudnt knw ne other lang apart frm hindi...tht is so true coz even sanskrit thou widely studied...isnt the same which was there many yrs bk...it has been changed 4 the benefit of these dayz...newy...so coz of tht mostly all convertd txt show kekai n manthra in bad lite...
dnt put it in blog...there is an addition 2 it...n nope she wasnt bad.....she had 2 do tht...y else dya think ramji thnkd her b4 ne1 else......thts coz he realised wat valuable lesson he had learnt....also if she had wanned 2 hv bharat take the thrown......y didnt she push him...n in necase she knew how close bharat n ram were....plus she never did try n entice bharat ever....there is nothing in either form of txt..original or hindi....which tells us tht...so really tht reasonin of her 2 get her son on the thrown is practically baseless
2 wishes she culd ask......one of the wishes was give ram banvas....other was bharat given the thrownread again dear
........newy...yes those were her reasons....but the purpose behind it was pure...she cudnt tell dashrat the entire truth...coz he was a man who thot thru his heart n not head...he never did realise tht rams gng 2 the jungle will help the entire human race...had he been told the real reason...he wudv tried 2 protect his beloved son...so kekai needed a solid reason 2 support her want...
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Some Gibberish!!!!...
My friends -both in the virtual and the real world- praise me to the extent that at times I get concieted and carried away by my own thoughts.
All this is rather funny because whenever one of my "fans" show me their work I feel totally insignificant and at times even mocked at.
I suddenly feel that my work seems to be kindergarten stuff in front of those of my friends. For my choice of words I think are totally simple and usually lack subtlety (which all my friends totally agree upon).
All this is so true, and yet I always did want to keep my writings simple. It was something I admired in the poems of wordsworth. To me a poem had always been a means to express your thoughts and ideas to the people on the whole.
Wordsworth always used the language of the comman man. Beautiful thoughts and great philosophies of life were communicated in such wondeful verses, that every person who read it got enthralled by it. Yes, thats the one trait I loved Wordsworth for and kept him as my mentor unconciously.
So am I trying to justify myself? Hmmm..maybe I am, not that I claim to be a second Wordsworth (a very politically correct statement, dont u think). But I guess its either this reason or the fact that I am a totally idiotic writer with an ego of the size of a basketball. So I'd rather stick to the former idea.
Well my love affair with words began when my elementry teacher, Mdm. Perry, at UNIS made me pen stories or should I say type stories. I stuck to story writing initially, for to me poems were for the elite.
Now the person I want to thank for getting me started with poetry, is my father and of course the 3rd grade(umm...i meant the 3rd std) teacher who had asked us to make a project on pollution. It was my father's idea that I add a poem in the end for the extra mark. After a lot of bickering and point blank refusals, my father got what he wanted, and the result of which I am still considerd by the whole of my family as a poetess..(eww) and a poem which many of my siblings know by heart to date. I dont think you are really intrested in it. and yet how can I presume that you are actually reading this artcle (also as this is my space and I can do anything with it as I like). I hereby present that masterpiece:
yes unfortunatly I do remember it...ahem newyz....
pollution pollution
i hate pollution
think think think
and find a solution
noises and noises
i hate those noises
when people speak
on top of their voices
whenever i breathe smoke
in my throat i get a choke
if pollution goes on
there would be
nothing left in this world
except thorns.
all this with the elementry "thank you" of course. well thats only about how much I can put down right now. Its not that my mind hasnt got any more ideas running through it. But I think I'd keep the doses slightly light. What say you????